Sunday, October 9, 2011

All Aboard

I was going to write a paper for my psychology class but I had already done homework for a few hours and decided to do some blog cruising instead and then I decided it was time.

Time for me to make my own blog.

And then i got a little anxious because sometimes I say things I shouldn't and if I do that on a blog it will be on the internet forever.  Oh well. Maybe that will teach me not to say things I shouldn't anymore.  And then I got anxious again because I know if a certain sister of mine starts reading this she will critique my grammar and commas, are, not, my friend,  Oh well. I'll either learn the comma rules I've been putting off since 4th grade or be humbled she knows much more than I do. (I'll be googleing comma rules right after I post this) And then... I got annoyed with myself for being so anxious about all these things. So I thought of a title and description and stole a picture for my background from my sister's Facebook (yes those peaches were canned last summer by my sister and grandparents. yum.)

So I'm doing it.  I'm getting on the blog train.  I made this decision a few weeks ago and slowly came up with my blog theme and stuff and now it's time for the debut.

Welcome to the adventures of my life as a peach.

sweet or tart?
Like biting into your first freshly picked peach

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME ABOARD! you will love blogging. Its so much fun! Its a great outlet for me especially to count my blessings!!
