Tuesday, December 4, 2012


In 10 days (9 in one hour) I will board a plan and fly back to my happy place.  10 days!  I am about to burst with happiness and so is CAB.  Which just makes me want to burst even more :)

Yesterday while skyping she was out of control. She kept hugging the computer and telling me she was squeezing me. She also asked me if she could have a full-body tickle.  A little ritual her and I have. It made me so happy that even after a year she remembers those and wants them.

But this was my most favorite quote of the conversation-

CAB- (Pointing at the camera like a bossy boss): Aunt Annie when you get back to this house you are never ever leaving again! Do you understand me?

That's the exact question my sis asks her when she is being very serious and making sure CAB understands. Oh melt my heart.  I can't wait to see the Charlottes and JD.

Also, this is my grandpa trying to figure out skype.  Isn't he the cutest? :)

sweet or tart?
That face. seriously sweet.