So I already knew that I sleep walk and talk on occasion. I had a boyfriend who refused to call me to let me know he made it home safely because if I was already asleep and he called he said I would be really mean to him and then the next day he'd be mad and I would be clueless.
Also this story is not the point of the post but it's classic for sleeping walking. One time when I was younger- like early teensish I'm thinking...- I had to pee in the middle of the night. Well if you walk out of my room and down the hall the bathroom is on the left and my sisters bedroom on the right. Apparently since I was sleep walking I got it backwards and my sister awoke to me flinging her door open and proceeding to prepare myself to potty--- on her desk chair! She said she shot out of the bed and ushered me across the hall to the bathroom. It was a close call.
Well I guess I'm feeling pretty comfy with the roommate because twice this past week I have talked to her in my sleep and I've been less then pleasant. The first time when she got home that night I had fallen asleep watching a movie. She asked if I was awake which I very rudely replied "yeah" like duh style and then when she asked how my night was I slammed my computer shut, told her I was too sleepy to talk to her, and rolled over and went to bed. Rude.
Then a couple nights later the local high school football team won a championship and people were going nuts hollering and honking horns. Apparently when she got home I awoke from my sleep to say some not very nice things about those people and their horns :) and then went right back to sleep.
Every morning after this happens I can remember I talked but not what I said. I'm feeling a little scared for myself and my roomie. So glad she doesn't get offended easily.
Hopefully my future husband is not sensitive to take some sleep trash-talking.
sweet or tart?
they tell me.... I'm not a sweet peach when I'm sleeping
Oh my....
ReplyDeleteThis literally made me LOL!
hahahahhaha Ann!!! This reminds me of sleepovers! hahaha Love this, little Miss Cranky-PJ-Britches!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha I giggled all the way through this! I might use this just as an excuse to be rude when I'm tired. "What? I was sleep talking!"