Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lobster anyone?

So I have been back in Hawaii for almost a month.  For the most part I'm happy except missing my sweet nieces and the rest of my family.

Here's a story for all those who have always hated me for my tanning abilities.  I usually tan very easily.   I go from my natural brown to really dark brown in no time.  But this time around I have been a tanning catastrophe.


My third Saturday I went to an outside shopping outlet with a friend and her mom.  I had been to the beach already a couple of times and did not burn.  However this time I did.  Not only did I burn but I was wearing a purse that the strap goes across the front of my body so it left this wonderful tan line.  I have a slash across my chest.  Maybe the Lord was trying to put a big caution sign for all the guys on the front of me? (remember the reference I made in my last post to things I say sometimes that I maybe shouldn't- that last sentence might be one of them)

I walked around with a big slash across my chest for the last week. cute.

Now today I returned back to the beach with the same friend.  We were only there for an hour and a half tops and it was overcast some of the time and.... I burned again.  I tried to take another example picture of the white hand print that can be left on my face, chest, arms, and back if you press on my skin but the camera is not quick enough to catch it.  Let's just say my upper body looks like I belong in a tank in the lobby of a Red Lobster right now.  

I don't know what's going on with my skin and it's inability to tan but this could cause a problem.  People might actually think I am a white girl.  I applied ample amounts of aloe vera lotion (thanks roomie). Hopefully I will wake up a beautiful brown or at least no skin flaking off.

P.S. I really like being a white girl and have nothing against beautifully fair white women.  I just love being tan.

sweet or tart?
looking more like a bright red tomato instead of a sweet peach


  1. That happened to me too! My skin just decided it was done tanning. Stupid. I love being tan as well :) Hope you're LOVING Hawaii!

  2. hahahahahhah Ann!!! I'm pretty sure this is your first sunburn ever!! Remember your little white, pink cheeked girls camp bunk-mate who was always jealous of your gorgeous skin? (Which, still is gorgeous with it's red-tones)

  3. Emily- I am loving it thanks!

    Rach- I don't remember that but I was remembering this morning that award I got for being the most sarcastic manipulative person. hahaha oh wow. Nothing like girls camp to build your self-esteem. Hope all is well with yall.
