Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mele Kalikimaka

Did you know its December and Christmas is in 19 days?  Well when it still looks and feels like late summer outside it's really hard to remember.

 The only way I know it's that time of year is because of....


These are the current Christmas Decorations about campus.  Palm trees wrapped in Christmas lights is quite hilarious.  And even though I will probably receive a lot of eye rolls from y'all enjoying the winter...

I want it to be cold.
I want to need mittens and scarves and sweaters.
I want to be excited at tiny little snow flurries falling from the sky.

Even though Hawaii is endlessly beautiful I miss that snuggly cozy feeling you can only get during a cold winter in your bed under a blanket.

Only 11 more days!

sweet or tart?
I don't think peaches grow in the winter so I should be thankful for this never ending summer weather :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sleep Walking or Sleep Yelling??

So I already knew that I sleep walk and talk on occasion.  I had a boyfriend who refused to call me to let me know he made it home safely because if I was already asleep and he called he said I would be really mean to him and then the next day he'd be mad and I would be clueless.

Also this story is not the point of the post but it's classic for sleeping walking.  One time when I was younger- like early teensish I'm thinking...- I had to pee in the middle of the night.  Well if you walk out of my room and down the hall the bathroom is on the left and my sisters bedroom on the right.  Apparently since I was sleep walking I got it backwards and my sister awoke to me flinging her door open and proceeding to prepare myself to potty--- on her desk chair! She said she shot out of the bed and ushered me across the hall to the bathroom.  It was a close call.

Well I guess I'm feeling pretty comfy with the roommate because twice this past week I have talked to her in my sleep and I've been less then pleasant.  The first time when she got home that night I had fallen asleep watching a movie.  She asked if I was awake which I very rudely replied "yeah" like duh style and then when she asked how my night was I slammed my computer shut, told her I was too sleepy to talk to her, and rolled over and went to bed. Rude.

Then a couple nights later the local high school football team won a championship and people were going nuts hollering and honking horns.  Apparently when she got home I awoke from my sleep to say some not very nice things about those people and their horns :) and then went right back to sleep.

Every morning after this happens I can remember I talked but not what I said.  I'm feeling a little scared for myself and my roomie.  So glad she doesn't get offended easily.

Hopefully my future husband is not sensitive to take some sleep trash-talking.

sweet or tart?
they tell me.... I'm not a sweet peach when I'm sleeping

Monday, November 21, 2011

3 Goals

My roommate and I have started listening to a conference talk every morning before we both leave for the day.  It is a really great way to start the day.  This week we listened to "Three Goals To Guide You" given by President Thomas S Monson in Oct of 2007.  I have been thinking of some of the things it said all week and wanted to share my favorite parts.  And recommend everyone to go read or listen to it.

You never know what a girl is worth,
You’ll have to wait and see;
But every woman in a noble place,
A girl once used to be. 

  1. 1. 
    Study diligently.
  2. 2. 
    Pray earnestly.
  3. 3. 
    Serve willingly.
 President Gordon B. Hinckley, said of you, “God planted within women something divine that expresses itself in quiet strength, in refinement, in peace, in goodness, in virtue, in truth, in love.”

My dear sisters, do not pray for tasks equal to your abilities, but pray for abilities equal to your tasks. Then the performance of your tasks will be no miracle, but you will be the miracle.

 I sometimes think I make huge amazing wonderful goals which is good but a reminder of the important basics is always a treat.

sweet or tart?
simply sweet

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Formula for Staying Up All Night

Really Big Head Ache


(Just 1)


No sleep and lots of blog stalking!

sweet or tart?
paper done at 2 am= sweet/ missing classes the next day= half/half

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Finding Joy in the Journey

Stresses in our lives come regardless of our circumstances. We must deal with them the best we can. But we should not let them get in the way of what is most important—and what is most important almost always involves the people around us. Often we assume that they must know how much we love them. But we should never assume; we should let them know. 

-President Thomas S Monson
-Finding Joy in The Journey General Conference Oct 2008

I listened to this talk this morning and thought of all of those I love so much.  So if I don't get around to getting a special shout-out for you during these thankful posts for Thanksgiving please know

I. Love. You.  

sweet or tart?
feeling a little sentimental and sweet today

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My sweet Charlotte-Ann

Skype and Charlotte-Ann.

Nothing about this experience is harder than being away from my family including my sweet Charlotte-Ann

Except about 6 months I have lived with Charlotte-Ann ever since she was born.  I lived with Cassie while she was still getting ready to come into the world and I was in the room when she made her grand entrance.  She has a very special place in my heart.  So this whole living far away from her is not my favorite.

However we get to Skype! Now let me tell you there is nothing that makes my day like skyping with my family.  I get to skype pretty regularly with my sisters and Charlotte-Ann and even got to see the whole family on Halloween.  It was my first year to not get to be around during trick-or-treating and I was sad.  But seeing all those happy smurf tails was the best.

Now for some of Charlotte-Ann's best skype quotes:
"Next time can you be here?"- oh my break my heart! but at least I know she misses me
"Me and my mom were just wondering about you"
She also likes for me to read her stories but when she holds the book I can't see the words so I just make up whatever looks like it will go with the picture.  So I found some free books at the library and got one so I could read it to her.  Major Fail.  It was about Pinochio but a version I've never heard that was a little violent.


I'm so thankful for her in my life.  She has taught me so many lessons and can make me feel better in an instant and I am so grateful for Skype and it letting me see my loved ones so often.

sweet or tart?
sweet as pecan pie at Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How Could I Not be Thankful

I do not think words can describe how thankful I am for this picture.

It goes everywhere I go.  I kept it at my window when I worked at the bank. And now it hangs on my wall in my room.  Because really how could that picture not make life better.  Sorry it's blurry but once again it's a pic of a pic.  Just in case you can't tell what is going on this is my niece Charlotte-Rose in her doggie outfit.  I like to think her face is saying "What the h&^#.  Why don't one of you put this thing on and then take pictures."  and look at those sweet pudgy cheeks and irresistible little lips.  On days when I'm feeling a little peeved or sad all it takes is looking at this picture and I am instantly happier.  

I am also thankful my mom never loved dogs enough to dress me like one :) Just kidding Misty! I love you and your love for your dogs.  I used to go sit in the backyard where past family dogs were buried and talk to them. I get it.  

sweet or tart?
i think sweet but Charlotte-Rose is looking like she might think tart

It's November So I'm Thankful

So I was going to post one thing I was thankful for everyday until Thanksgiving but then I missed the first day and the thought of not starting on the first day was bugging me to much to start at all.  I know that's dumb but that's how my mind works. Anyways I had an experience today that just made me so thankful I had to share it.

Well first of all if you for some reason did not get to see the CES fireside by President Packer from Sunday.  It's a must.  (A fireside is a talk given usually about a gospel principle.) I checked and I could not find it on the website yet but I will keep checking and when it becomes available I will remind you or if you can find it READ IT! (or listen whatever floats your boat).  Among many wonderful things he talked about guilt and not feeling guilty.  And that really hit home as sometimes I struggle to not feel guilty about past mistakes and let myself forgive and forget.

Then today I was walking and I saw a past Bishop (leader of previous congregation) and we smiled and waved at each other.  I could tell he knew he knew me but wasn't sure from where or how.  So I kept walking and all I could think was- wow.  That man had listened and counseled and loved me through some very difficult times and helped me to repent and become closer to Christ.  At one point I had discussed with him some of my less than perfect moments and he doesn't even remember.  Then I hear "Hey! Hey!" I turn around and he was calling to me.  "Don't I know you?"  I started to cry and told him yes I had been in his ward previously and he had helped me through some really hard things.  I told him how I could tell he couldn't remember me exactly and how grateful I was that every time he saw me my past did not come to his mind.  In a situation that only a Polynesian could make funny he said "well what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".  We caught up everything going on since we had last seen each other including him telling me he knew the perfect guy to set me up with. hmm.  And then we hugged and I went on to class.

There are many things I am grateful for that I was reminded of in this experience including forgiveness and the atonement and bishops.  But most of all I felt grateful for what I felt like was an answer to pray from my Heavenly Father showing me that once past sins are repented of. they are forgotten.  By the bishop and also by Him.

And so I to can forget.  And move forward. Guiltless.

sweet or tart?
all I can remember now is the sweet

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hoo Hoo- As in the owl noise.

Yesterday I rode to Mililani with my roommate and a few other girls for a WallyWorld adventure.  I finally got a second pillow and slept wonderfully last night :)

Our next stop was Ross.

Everyone else bought.....
stock photo : dress collection

(these aren't the ones they bought.  They all bought modest ones of course this is just a google image result for cute dresses)

And I bought...

(not the best photo but i didn't feel like trying to change the lighting to make it better. sorry. even in bad lighting I LOVE them!!)

I fell in love with these owls as soon as I saw them.  Everyone kept asking me if I love owls but I don't I just really loved these two.  I just know that some day when I am decorating my own little house these owls will look perfect in it.  But then I considered having to get them back to Tennessee = hassle.  So I put them back.  But as I kept trying on clothes I couldn't get them out of my mind.  So I bought them.  And now they are sitting on my dresser for a while and maybe I'll ship them home sometime or maybe they'll live here in Hawaii with me till I leave...

All of this got me thinking though.  While other girls were buying cute dresses for an upcoming dance I was buying future home decorations.  Maybe I am one step ahead of myself. Maybe I should buy a dress to look cute to attract a boy to marry me so I can have a future house to decorate.  (I do realize that there's a lot more to the process then those three little steps and it takes a lot more than just a cute dress to attract a boy- and if it doesn't he's not the boy I want- but ya know work with me here)  But the more I thought about it the more pleased I was with myself.  First, I didn't find any dresses there I don't already have the same style of and don't wear often enough. Two, (this is where the "Sunday Ponderings" comes in) just because I'm not married yet doesn't mean I shouldn't be thinking about and preparing for that stage of life.

I'm still trying to find a happy balance between enjoying these singles fun (or not so fun) years and looking forward to the married/family ones (which I'm sure will be fun and not so fun too). Sometimes I forget to have fun now because I am looking forward so much to the next stage and for a split second I was worried the other girls would think I am nuts... But really who cares if I don't have a husband or a house yet. I have owls and i am having fun and appreciating this single time and I'm implementing and perfecting hopefully life-long habits like scripture study and prayer and not spending to much time watching tv while it's just me I have to worry about.

 And I am happy with where I'm at.

I know this post is getting really long but I have to add this too because it's Sunday Ponderings and I have been pondering this one all last night and into the morning.  At the Wal Mart I bought some new polka-dotted sheets that were on sale for my bed because my old ones were too big.  Last night when I laid down I was thinking about how these sheets aren't very cute and I wish I would have gotten a different color but the other colors weren't on sale. I was even totaling how much another cuter set would cost.. And then I thought about how terribly unthankful I am sometimes.  I have a bed.  With sheets on it. New ones because the old ones were too big.  In  Hawaii.  Where I got to college. Which I am able to afford because of the blessings of so many wonderful church members. and I'm worried about the color of my sheets?  Pathetic.  I have more things to be grateful for than there are polka-dots on my sheets. And I'm keeping these sheets to remind me of that.  I'm so glad the Lord helps me to have humbling thoughts.

sweet or tart?
I googled it and most owls think peaches are yucky but some think they're sweet.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dress Up Time

So I heard that the last post was making people cry so I thought I would put this one up to counter balance.

Happy Halloween! I hope this makes you laugh as much as I did.  Try doing this on your computer sometime it's so fun.  and you may or may not end up taking 500 pictures of yourself :)

Also: My psych teacher cancelled classes Wed and Fri and my New Testament cancelled class Thursday!  I took a final yesterday and today and did well on both! Woo hoo! I already see the light. I'm gonna make it through this week.  (If you talk to me please remind me of this on Friday when I'm about to cry or strangle someone)

Sweet or tart?
tests done- sweet/papers to go-tart